Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pictures (Around Oxford with a Guide)

In the presence of brilliance -- where Tolkien and Lewis hung out and wrote some inconsequential stuff.

Oh the humanity!

Now, we know where Coleridge hung out.

Where Bill Clinton smoked but not inhaled.

I swear I'm standing in the sunshine, but it appears that armageddon is on its way.

What does this fortress protect? Books. Lots of books. Close to ten million different books to be more exact. This is the Bodleian Library, and it receives every new book published in the British Isles (even pornography).

... or in case of curiosity.

The secret passageway!

Hogwarts ... I mean the Hall.

St. Mary the Virgin Church (the official Oxford church)

Oriel College's dining hall. Cecil Rhodes, of the Rhodes Scholarship, is in the middle. University College didn't want him, so Oriel College accepted him and is now benefiting from his immense fortune.

Mr. Bodley (the man who donated the money for the Bodleian Library)

James I's queen lived here during her time. They cut a hole in the wall in order to allow her to walk directly to the high table in the Hall in Merton (I think) College.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I might just have to make a pilgrimage to the Eagle and Child...Tolkien, my hero.
