Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fun in the Park

Well, yesterday was a bit slower than the days before, but it was still fun. Right now, it is finally raining but not that hard. Also, I'm finally on the wireless Internet, so I'll put pictures up in a follow-up post.

Unfortunately, I had to get up at 7:30 in order to get a shower and head down to the Hall. In order to not blow up or burn down one of the oldest schools in the United Kingdom, we have to have our electronics checked (ie. laptop, cell phone) along with any adapters, so we had to go at 8 to do that, so I ate breakfast for the first time in a while. Nothing was wrong with my electronics, so I've been recharging things since. As for breakfast, they have cereal, fruit, bagels/muffins, and milk and juice. Not many show up for it because it is a little early. After that, I had some free time before my plenary lecture that was on the EU. He talked about how the EU brings together Europe economically and legally, but it breaks Europe apart politically. His name was Dr. Pomway by the way. Anyway, what he said was interesting, but he was really monotone. Afterwards, we had lunch, which is just like a cafeteria-type thing where you walk through the line to get what you want. Then, I went to try to take a nap, but I couldn't so I went off searching for people and something to do. I ended up taking a few pictures and talking with John F and a Texan named Matt for awhile. Later, we had dinner which was really good (salmon, chips, vegetables, and a waffle covered with caramel and honeycomb ice cream). Thinking I was going to go read, a group from Marshall University asked if I wanted to play capture the flag, so I did that instead (luckily, I didn't really need to read, but that essentially means I already know what I am doing tonight and tomorrow). We went to University Park, but a cop came and told us that we had to leave because the park was closing. So, we tried to find another park with a W name (I don't remember), and on the way, we met a lady who wanted to play. However, when we told her where we were going to that park, she responded, "Why would you go to that shitty park? Trust me, it's shitty. Just a shitty park," but she still came with us and had more fun than we did. Go figure. After playing capture the flag and sharks and minnows, we went back to Exeter College, and a few of us went to the chapel to see the inside. One of the guys, Pren, really likes to sing, so he had fun with the acoustics. Then, I went to bed.

I'm having a lot of fun so far. I've met a lot of interesting people from around the world, and I have stayed pretty busy hanging out and going to pubs or parks.

As for understanding the accent, I really haven't had much trouble. My teachers are pretty clear. So far, the only person I have had trouble understanding is Louise (our student assistant) who is an Oxford student from Manchester, but the more I talked with her, the more I understood her. I guess it is just something one has to get used to.

It has just hit me where I am. At first, it felt as though I had just found a different part of UK's campus, but after really walking around, reading plaques, and taking pictures, I am starting to realize how cool this place is. So much history. So much architecture.

Oh yeah, I signed up for the excursions yesterday as well (I knew there was something else). I am going to Stratford-upon-Avon on Saturday, Warwick (pronounced Warrick) next Sunday (Westchester and Bath were already full), and on an Oxford history tour. Tonight, there is a debate on whether or not education should be used for training for a job, so I'll go and listen. Other than that, I think that's about it.

- There is no air conditioning, and because yesterday was hot, I had to open the window. Unfortunately, there are no screens on the window, so bugs can easily get in the room. Someone had a pigeon get in there room.
- Everything is really clean here. I haven't seen a lot of trash lying around on the streets, sidewalks, or parks.
- Toilets are weird as well. You have to push the handle a few times. The first few times, only a small amount of water comes out, but the last time, a huge rush of water comes pouring down. I would normally think something was wrong with the toilet, but all of them do it.

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