Friday, June 27, 2008

Getting Ready




Well, it's almost time to go. It's the night before I leave, and I have mostly everything packed ... I think ... I hope. What makes me feel better is that it's not as if I am headed to the middle of nowhere. I need to remember my passport and ID, and that will pretty much get me over there. If I forget toiletries or the like, I can most likely buy it over there.

So what am I thinking/feeling the night before I leave? Mainly, I am really excited. I have never been to a foreign country before, so this will be an incredible experience. On the other hand, never being in a foreign country makes me a little nervous because I don't know what to expect. Will I get there? Will my luggage get there? Can I find the hotel? Honestly, I know that I can, but I worry a lot (probably about too many things). All in all, I am much more excited than nervous.

Tomorrow (and actually Saturday as well considering it will feel like one giant day) should be an interesting day. I leave Louisville at 2:55 to go to O'Hare. From O'Hare, I fly to London at 5:00, and I arrive at 6:30 AM London time (Saturday morning). Therefore, it will be a really long day, but I am looking forward to it. I have never been on a long flight before, and although most people would hate that, I actually think I might like it. I'm one of those people who like the journey almost as much as the vacation itself. The main problem will be staying awake. I have been told by multiple people that I should sleep 2-4 hours on the plane and stay wake once I arrive in London. Once ten or eleven PM rolls around, then I should crash for 8-12 hours. I guess I should get up on Sunday considering I have to be at Oxford in between 12 and 4 (I'm just kidding; I'll be up in time thanks to my mom's alarm clock).

Well, I guess that's all for now. Hopefully, I will be back on some time on Saturday if I find the internet over there (I don't know if the apartment/hotel room has it or not).

Note: Posting times are in London time.

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